"Merry Christmas
Posted 2 hours ago
Posted 2 hours ago
As we've went through the last year we have been subject to some of the greatest experances one could've been afforded.....we've seen first hand some greatness by some great people and met quite a few special ones.
I hope some of the great families we've met are lucky enough to progress the way Rolan has, We think of them often. To those lucky enough to be touched by Rolan, he's really turning it on. A year ago this week is when we really started to notice things where happening with him that weren't in his character... He's come a long ways and had quite a few "moments" that have really embarassed his mother. When we tell you "what he thinks-you hear" we mean it...
Rolan's emotions are still riding very close to the surface and it's been a heck of a ride the last few weeks keeping his spirits up, but he's doing good. I cherish some of our conversations when we've been driving alone...he just lays it on the line.
Over the last year we've had some bumps in the road but thankfully none of them have had ill effect on Rolans progress to get better. We've been told people hope we have a better year in '10...To be truthful, I think it'll be hard to top '09...
In reality I belive '10 will bring us bigger challenges as Rolan progresses and tries to retrun to some sense of a Normal 13yr old kid.
I wouldn't change much about '09, it's been a GREAT year for us, Rolan's on the mend and the girls,Brenda & I are doing good...We've had alot of fun this year even if we had to make alot of adjustments.
We cherish each and every day together and trust our true friends that have been with us every minute never Doubting a thing we've done in an effort to keep moving foreward one foot at a time.
Some have questioned how we keep doing it? Well it's been pretty simple, we let the all the good folk at the U of I do their job and we focus on whats ahead.
The past couple of monthes we've finally had time to start focusing on what's ahead and as the changes start being implemented people realize we're moving foreward. Early on I was told the biggest mistake people make when confronted with a situation like Rolan's is to fall into a rut and live Day by Day....Get a picture of where you want things to be and go for that. Well we're starting to see the picture.
Some may ask What's ahead? we don't know for sure but think of how you felt this morning and go with that, that's our goal. Put the gifts and the commercial aspect aside...go for the feeling.
PS.. Rolans counts had a slight improvement yesterday morning and we'll see how things look Monday."
PS.. Rolans counts had a slight improvement yesterday morning and we'll see how things look Monday."
Rolan is the son of Loran and Brenda Steinlage of West Union Iowa. They have a ton of support but keep praying for Rolan, better known as Popcorn. Popcorn is fighting a little cancerous pineoblastoma and he and his family LIVE at the University of Iowa when not farming or cutting hair.
God Bless 'Em, they just renew my faith.
Merry Christmas from the Winkle's in Martinsville.
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