Farmers worked like crazy yesterday. Our crew ran until 2 AM. Didn't quite get all the wheat planted but maybe it is close enough? The soybeans came out good quality and good yield.
Talk about crazy, I was asked to speak to the Ohio notill conference on fertility for cover crops and the National NoTillage Conference in Des Moines January 14? Then the New Zealand NoTill Association emails me to speak during their field days the last of January through the first of February.
Then the North Dakota NoTillers call and ask me to talk to their farmers Jan 12 in Minot. I talked to the president, Mark, for half an hour and we both learned we are so much the same.
He is also a banker and farms 2700 acres, about our size. We had so much in common. I told him yes but please schedule a backup speaker just in case I cannot get there. He agreed.
I call to LuAnn and explain my situation and she says you cannot do all of that. Maybe not, but I am willing to try!
I am almost 60 years old and burned the candle at both ends all my life. I saw my grandpa and dad struggle and they would not let me farm with them but sent me to college. I had to teach 31 years to get my dream. I have shared my experience and knowledge with many people.
I am living my dream but the candle is glowing shorter.
It is just really nice to be appreciated for your work.
I have worked so hard for that like every farmer I know.
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