It's really windy and blustery today just like they predicted for tomorrow. It just blew in one day sooner. Since the temperature dropped last night, I turned the fan back on the soybeans to adjust the inside-outside temperature of the grain. It was so cool last night, I could have almost used the winter comforter on the bed. Winter will be here before I am ready.
That means I need to get the wood porch stacked pretty soon which means work. I am not opposed to work but I really don't want to work in wood yet. It's time to do it.
I have been guilty of being as windy as the air is today. I like to talk sometimes and I might tell you what I think you want to hear. I realize I need to hear, "get the wood on the porch, Ed."
One reader asked if we camped the last trip to Wyoming and back. No we didn't, I had hoped to get the camper on the truck but we were lucky to just get off the farm and get on the road and sleep at Hampton. They have the closest thing to our bed here at home.
The soil test results are rolling in like the wind, too. The farmers and labs and others have been busy this fall pulling and processing soil samples. I still lots of need for fertilizer and micro nutrients. Almost every report laying on my desk calls for at least 6 nutrients needed for next year's crop.
I wish our youngest grandson Happy Birthday today. Little(he is actually a big boy for one) Finnegan is one year old today. His brother will be six in a month, can't believe Liam is that old already.
Time goes fast.
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