On the way to the barn find yesterday, we took SR 123 through Morrow. We both used to drive that daily but haven't in years.
I was hungry as usual and we saw a bunch of pick up trucks in front of the old pastry shop. It said Dough Boy's breakfast and donuts, so we stopped.
There was a big group of retired gentlemen around a big table in the front window of the shop and a couple of empty tables in front a stream of people getting fresh doughnuts. I don't see that much anymore. Soon all the tables were full.
I kept looking at the guy behind the pastry counter and boy did he look familiar but I couldn't place him. Curiousity got the best of me so when the line finally got their orders and the place quieted down, I went up and introduced myself.
He asked if I had worked at GE and I said no and then he quickly looked back and said I taught social studies at Clermont Northeastern. That was it, we had both taught at CNE. I hadn't seen Frank since I retired from there in 2002.
Frank had gotten riffed after I left and started the shop last year. He has made it through that first, trying year of any new business and sure had a business going yesterday. It seemed like everyone knew each other and it was a social gathering, too, besides the good food.
It's good to see the little guy do well and I wish the best for Frank and his family. If you get near Morrow, Ohio some morning, be sure to stop at Dough Boy's.
Thank you Ed for the kind words. Appreciate the post. Glad you have been reacquainted with Frank again. Hope to see you in the shop soon.