Sunday, May 20, 2012

God Loves Humility

"Oh Lord, it's hard to humble, when you're perfect in every way." Remember that country song on the radio? I listened to a program on the radio on how God loves humility. Jesus is the most humble man I ever read about. Still he got angry and frustrated at times, especially at the hard hearted Saducees and Pharisees, money changers and the like.

Yesterday was a day full of humility. Every person I was in contact with is a very humble person. That is quite something to be around humble people all day because know-it-alls are everywhere. I have to be wary of that because as a teacher I became a kind of know-it-all and authority over my students. Teaching no-till farming practices to a bunch of thirsty farmers is an easy boost to my ego, too.

Every crop scout and teacher yesterday are very humble servants. Even the bride and groom and all in attendance were quite humble yesterday to celebrate the joy of the committment of a marriage.

Humility is quite a virtue to possess or strive for. I was humbled last night when the father of the bride reminded the wedding party what I had told him when we first met in Ohio State's LEAD Class IV in 1992. We always talked about our children because we were away from them 60 days over a two year period. That was quite a committment.

I always said that kids are the best crop we farmers will ever grow or tend to. I have always believed that and I think that was passed down for generations in my family. It is good to enjoy and savor your accomplishments a little, whether you are 8 or 80. You process it and put it in its proper place because "pride comes before the fall."

Yesterday was a good sense of what has been accomplished and what yet needs to be done. It was a great reminder that God truly does love humility.

Doing things for others is a good way for me to "stay out of myself." This week I would like to do some good things for some people who aren't expecting it. It's easy for me to focus on my own problems and forget about others but if I put others first, my problems will be solved and melt away.

This isn't intended to be a sermon or homily but a "note to self." What can you do for another person this week?



  1. Several years ago (mid '70s) Florine entered our three sons in a local community summer festival parade. The oldest son (10) drove the lawn mower pulling a cart containing his two brothers (8 & 3) with a sign "The best crop our Daddy knows how to grow."

  2. That's pretty good! I guess that saying has been around a long, long time. Even before "where corn is grown and future farmers meet."
