We have always over worked the work horses in America. It's Thursday and Judy from the Silent Auction committee cakked in a panic yesterday evening. The committee consists of only her and LuAnn and me trying to support LuAnn. Sadly I had to tell her we couldn't come help after work as we were going to Columbus to hold our new grand baby, Ariana.
Grandchild number nine in our family was born yesterday at 10;49. She is a tiny little girl, 5 lbs. and 12 ounces and 18 inches long. She will be every big a joy as Finnegan who was born about a year ago.
We have finally had decent weather to work outside although it's supposed to hit 92 here again today. April and May were shot for working outside so we have been playing catch up ever since.
I have visited with over 20 farmers for one project this summer and over 100 fields for another project. I have been tired every night and just enjoyed five months of not waking up in the middle of the night.
I hope we can get this auction ready for the big church festival in little Fayetteville on Sunday and we will in some shape of form or fashion. I just hope it is one we can be proud of. We got into a lot more work than LuAnn ever dreamed it would be.
No wonder people won't volunteer for committees anymore, let alone run for office in this great country. We overwork the work horses in this country. They always said try to get the busiest people to help because they will get it done. That is ever so true but more hands make work easier to a point and I see now we needed more help.
If some younger people don't step up, we are going to continue to lose some of the great traditions based on the principles this country was built on.
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