Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, Almighty God and Father, we worship you and give you thanks and praise your for your Glory.
That's what I am thinking right now. I just wrote a letter to one of my friends and that is what we are working on today. Maybe it's the joy of another new grandchild, maybe it is the wonderful weekend we had enjoying Nature as our crop finishes up for the year but I see God's Glory everywhere. I see it in you and me if we just let it.
I am very thankful for another day on this earth putting God's Will first, not mine. I know He wants us both to be happy and I am. When I catch myself thinking of things not so good I quickly admit it and let His Will take over while go through life's daily tasks.
Some of my family and friends are working at the Brown County or Little State Fair and others are at work. I have time to give Thanks and write this blog.
One farmer on Crop Talk this morning asked how much high calcium lime he should put on? I answered from my soils and my Midwest soil test that if my base saturation is below 70%, one ton, closer to 60% two tons and below 60%, which some still are, three tons.
Three tons is most economical to spread as we don't often get a chance to lime and I doubt if we will this fall as wet as it is looking here. We will be lucky to get the crop out without too much compaction as it is but that is my thumbrule that works for my soil with my soil test, here.
That's it for today but don't forget the Glory and how we need to work for it and with it.
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