Last night was a beautiful, full harvest moon. The problem is there is nothing to harvest except the garden.
The garden has been a good one this year. I picked two full buckets of tomatoes again last night. That 40 by 50 piece of land has produced over 1000 pounds of produce this year. The freezer is full of tomatoes, corn and beans and we have more tomatoes, onions and peppers to harvest. I didn't get a fall garden planted, that could produce even more.
The garden got saved this year thanks to my friend Steve who offered to come over and help me till it before we left for Pennsylvania. His big wheeled push cultivator took the weeds out of the middles and we pulled all we could in the rows. The garden took off and never looked back after that, around the first of July.
The early planted field crops need another 30 days and most of the crop needs another 60 days. It isn't going to get 60 days so it will be whatever it is to be the day Jack Frost does his job.
There is going to be a lot of wet corn to deal with in Ohio and I hope farmers are ready. I was thinking this morning I need to get a crew of LuAnn's guys in here and clean all the bins and spread insecicide. They are calling for that big Canadian cold front to really cool things off to where it wouldn't be so bad working in the bins.
The more I get done the more I think of to do. I just realized blogger said I have 996 posts instead of 1003 and I went and looked and the have deleted the first 4 posts I made. I hope someone has them on hard copy as I don't.
If any of you do, I would sure appreciate them but I should have done it myself.
I just never got around to it. Now I remember Zig Ziglar's Round Tuit wooden nickle I had 30 years ago once more.
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