I was one day ahead of myself when I wrote beautiful Sunday. Now it is Sunday and it IS beautiful, just like Saturday.
I follow the carepages and have been reading the frustrations of the Steinlage's in Iowa. Rolan is not doing well and going through seizures and they can't find the reason why. The family feels blown off by the doctors, that is more than frustrating, it is scary. Pray for them. I continue to.
Sometimes you have so many problems yourself you can't pray for others. You can't even do for others and barely get by yourself. But I know it is so therapeutic if you can.
Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself. I have great neighbors, caring people who want to see their neighbors do well. I will have to call on two neighbor boys when my seed corn comes this week to help load and stack. They have been here several times and are of great help.
Another neighbor checks on the house when we are gone and keeps an eye on Sable. That takes about eight sets of eyes.
Sable hates birds, or maybe she just wants to play with them. She wants to play with every animal she sees and gets very lonely if she doesn't get enough play in. She loves to walk fields with me. Last night she just trotted along ahead of me pulling soil samples, happy as a lark as they say. She would take off after a lark, I guarantee you.
I think she is part kangaroo and part shitsiu. I think you get the shitsiu part. She leaps off powerful back legs like few dogs I have ever seen.
I caught her jumping after birds in the Red Delicious apple tree and she looks like she is hanging there. She isn't.
LuAnn got the dryer vent working, praise God. We dug a huge bird nest out of it because the vent flap is weak enough they can lift it and carry in straw for a nest. About a half trash can full, that is how much!
Have a great day and we will do the same.
Best Wishes,
Ed Winkle
Can't promise how many I'll make, but I've already said one prayer for the Steinlage's. I also asked the Lord to bless you for caring enough to ask for prayer on their behalf.