Friday, August 16, 2013

Vinegar On Soybeans

Many farmers ask how can I shorten the nodes on soybeans so they don't get so tall they lodge?

"Question: I've heard you mention the use of vinegar to help keep plants shorter. At what rates do you apply it and at what stage? Does it work consistently? Very interesting concept.
Kip: We normally apply about 8 ounces of vinegar per acre through our pivot irrigation system several times per season. We think this helps keep soybean stem internode growth in check but we have not done any side X side checks to test this theory out. We think the mild acidity or some other property "shocks" the plant. Excessive vine growth was a major challenge this year, so we may need to rethink our vinegar strategy in terms of rate, number of applications or even using other growth inhibiting products."

"Kip: We carefully follow all pesticide label instructions. We do use foliar applications of small amounts of vinegar, especially on our soybean crops. Not everyone agrees that this practice does anything, but I feel that it does help keep the soybean crop from growing too "rank". We do feel that the slight acidity of vinegar mildly "shocks" the plant to keep it blooming and setting pods without growing so tall. With our high levels of fertility and frequent irrigation, our main concern with our soybeans is excessive plant height and lodging."

"Question: Foliar feeding fertilizer. Pros and Cons?
Kip: I use foliar feeding of various primary and micro-nutrients throughout the growing season. These are typically N and S plus Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn and B. My reason for applying these to my contest fields is simple. I want to maintain a high yield potential and I apply these nutrients to supplement the supply coming from the soil via root uptake. I don't put any P and K on with foliar applications but rely on soil applications of poultry litter to supply those critical nutrients. The only time I don't like to apply much of any foliar sprays is during pollination. At that time, all I apply is irrigation water as needed to eliminate drought stress."

Many farmers do not foliar feed.  "But we think many acres of 90-110 bu. Soybeans  will be harvested on our Clients fields.

No inoculant, Fungicide nor insecticide is ever used on these large family farms.
No Liquid or bandaid fertilizer is ever used.

One can see why the nations average soybean Yield is 36 bu. when the issues that make the BIG profit
for the individual farmers is not ever discussed."

Healthy soil produces healthy crops which feeds healthy livestock and humans.

Ed Winkle

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