It seems like life goes by like these candles, poof and it's gone! Isn't that a beautiful picture of Brynne on her 5th birthday? Three of the grandchildren have passed the grand age of five already. Where did it go?
This summer has flown by just like the candles. It's been a good summer for us but very busy. I never really caught up from the rain in April and May. The yard got behind, the garden got behind and farming took main stage. The crops grew faster than I have ever seen and we are blessed with a good crop if Jack Frost comes around his normal appearance date.
At least the ProFarmer Crop Tour has farmers looking at their fields and thinking about harvest. Paul Butler posted some nasty looking aerial photo's on Crop Talk of the Decatur Illinois area where Farm Progress starts Tuesday.
Early harvest reports there show corn around 100 where they are used to closer to 200 bushels per acre. This news has the market in a tizzy and demand is so great that if corn is that short, demand will go right down the tubes. Then no one will be able to meet their corn or cash needs. It hurts the whole industry and corn touches every single person from fuel to feed to corn flakes.
The US needs every bushel of corn that farmers can harvest and the projections of 147.9 bushels and soybeans at 41.8 bushels. We can sell more bushels than that if we had them to harvest and too little grain drives demand away so they aren't bidding on that crop as much.
It's a mixed bag this year for sure and another one for the history books. It looks like Irene could be Obama's Katrina Bush went through.
All we can do is our best and enjoy every candle and morsel on that cake.
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