We are almost half way through August already. It won't be long until all of the September shows like the Corn Festival in Wilmington, the Brown and Highland County Fairs and the Farm Science Review. I can't leave out our church festival on the first Sunday of September as we have a big vested interest in it this year!
We could head west after the festival. We looked at 2007 Winnebago on a Ford F-450 chassis with the Triton V-10 engine in it. It is almost new with 6,000 miles on it for about half list price.
But we have that Sun Valley Light camper sitting in the barn almost new also that slides right onto the Silverado. The new camper would have room for grandkids where as the slide in does not. I know what the answer is but it is fun to look at the alternative.
We haven't been west of Indianapolis for some time. We haven't camped in three years. I would love to drive out I-74 to Rock Island through Iowa and west. The crops are attended to and are going to be whatever they are going to be. I think we have pretty decent yields and the market is still strong.
The drive across the country two years ago to Alaska was the last time we were there and then New Zealand and Europe and Panama caught our fancy.
I still would like to travel the Canadian plains, too.
I wonder where we will end up?
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