Or as Liam says, whoopsie! We have a dealership in Wilmington who specializes in used Deere combines. One of the workers was driving one to the dealership yesterday afternoon and the throttle stuck open, he panicked and couldn't get the engine shut off in time before he had to slow down and ran it into this ditch.
We have all had close calls like this. This summer I backed my Dodge into our own Kawasaki Mule and bent up both tailgates. This week I ran the mover over a garden hose and tangled it all up in the spindle. Stuff happens. We can never be too careful.
Some farmers are being careful about protecting their yield and spraying fungicide with insecticide in the hopes of keeping their yield or make a few more bushels. Others are waiting out Mother Nature to see what she does to the rest of the crop.
Our sweet corn has almost perfect pollination but there are some empty spots on the ears. The green beans are the same way, almost perfect pod and bean set with a few small pods or empty spots inside the pods. I think that is the way the crop is going to be here, too.
The last weeds are being sprayed for the year. Most of the fields are pretty clean but it looks like some farmers have given up on the glyphosate resistant weeds and have some stunted yellow weeds in their fields. They are going to have to change seed and herbicide strategy or keep having the same problem or worse.
There are three real good field days next week, corn growers at Court House on Tuesday, Dave Brandt's at Carroll, Ohio Wednesday and the Coshocton Hydrologic Station on Thursday. I hope I can make a couple of them.
We slept with the windows open last night, the first night in a long time. It feels like fall today although it is still late mid summer.
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