Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hello my good friends from Australia!  We will soon be home in a few days and I can't wait to tell you what all we have seen and learned.

It is very hot today in Perth and a local farmer told me the harvest was short from lack of rain.

We have met farmers from all over the world but many here in Australia and New Zealand.  It's becoming a small world farming wise.

This thing keeps wanting to log me out because I am at the wrong location and it thinks I am trying to hack into my account.

I think this picture is of New Zealand notill corn from 3 years ago.  I am limited on pictures right now and have to figure this out when I get home. The same field looked very similar when we got to Chris's farm Jan 21.

G'Day for now,


  1. What, some aborigine is trying to hack into my Ohio blog? ;)


  2. Ed , glad too see you are coming home safe-miss your words of wisdom.....AND Chimel has done well filling in for you-regardskevin-ontario

  3. Yes, thank you Chimel for keeping my blog alive in my absence! It's pretty cool two guys who never met and know little about each other could pull this off but I knew you could do it and you did it!

    Words of wisdom, I must pray. This isn't your grandpa's world, this isn't my dad's world, it's not even my world though I have a small place in it. Thank you for reading my blog and all my readers. Keep challengine me to think outside this little box we live in because it's bigger than any of us can imagine!


  4. Thanks guys, it was a tough job trying to avoid subjects of controversy... ^-^

    ~Chimel, Blog Saboteur Extraordinary.
