Teaching was a very trying but rewarding career for me. I had 40 students achieve the State FFA Degree during my 16 year tenure at Blanchester. Some went on to receive the coveted American Farmer Degree which was only presented to one per thousand FFA members at that time.
All three of my children earned them too and I know it has helped them in later years. Most of the 40 students who received the State Degree became the farmers and businessmen who still contribute greatly to Blanchester and wherever life took them.
One is veterinarian in upstate New York, I found another on FaceBook and he lives in Nevada. He calls his ranch Ronocco Valley, which his last name spelled backwards. I think Frank is lifetime military man but I may be confusing him with his brother Marty.
It is hard to keep track of your students. Especially when you teach ag and they are scattered around a laboratory or shop, let alone graduated and all of the country and maybe the world.
I was lucky to have taught at the time I did. School rules have really increased thanks to litigation. I barely made it through without big problems when I did teach and I would be very leery of problems today. My oldest boy and today's teachers don't seem to be bothered by it all but it is always in the back of your mind.
It is difficult being a student but even moreso being a teacher.
My hat is off today for all teachers and students.
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