I doubt I will ever use my motorcycle endoresement again unless I am riding the moped down the county highway. Even then it's risky. Two wheels against four wheels just isn't a fair matchup. Still many people love them and keep taking that risk.
I suppose you saw the electric car about the size of a suitcase between two gravel trucks that made the email and Internet tour a week or two ago. I know that person didn't walk away.
You would think unemployment wasn't high by the volume of traffic we saw although it wasn't as bad as some recent years. Gas prices ranged from 241.9 in Wilmington to 279.9 near the river today. Now why did they go to the .9 cent instead of a full penny again?
At least the farmers are getting a break in fuel prices too. What is up with that with Gulf oil crisis? Usually they jack up fuel prices this weekend but not this year?
The crops are coming into their own but they don't look as good as last year. They are a little uneven, some places way uneven and there are drowned out spots in almost every field. Any corn that didn't get a big dose of nitrogen at planting looks yellow and we saw some herbicide damage on several fields. It's just that kind of year.
The field we see evey day behind the house is really looking good. It won't be long until it fills the rows, my goal by Summer Solstice when we maximize solar energy collection. I feel sorry for my neighbor planting beans across the road from ours but he could buy me out 100 times over so the sorrow ends. I always try to plant this field first and best because it drains, slopes to the west and I have to look at it every day.
Ed Winkle
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