I have been trying to explain to a WDW, that is Walt Disney World media person how The Land exhibit is out of date. It shows farming from about 1930 to 1970 with nothing before or after. I am after the after 1970.
We don't farm that way anymore. We couldn't afford to. Like it or not, we are the world's greatest conservationists. We make land produce more than ever dreamed possible.
That made me think of the Green Revolution and Dr. Norman Borlaug. Now there is a man who really earned the Nobel Peace Prize.
What do you think?
Background Information onHigh-yield Modern Agriculture
Conservation Tillage Helps Preserve Nature -- See the Video.Click here to hear our radio ads featuring Dr. Patrick Moore and Senator Rudy Boschwitz.
Agriculture poses one of the greatest threats to natural species biodiversity since clearing land for farming destroys natural habitats. This threat will continue to grow as the world's population increases and becomes more affluent, unless we double the yields and productivity of our existing farmlands and managed forest areas.
We invite you to learn more about High-yield Conservation by reading the articles below.
Norman BorlaugForgotten Benefactor of HumanityNorman Borlaug, the agronomist whose discoveries sparked the Green Revolution, has saved literally millions of lives, yet he is hardly a household name.
Billions Served (Interview)Three decades after he launched the Green Revolution, agronomist Norman Borlaug is still fighting world hunger -- and the doomsayers who say it's a lost cause.
Feeding the World in the 21st Century: The Role of Agricultural Science and TechnologyA speech by Norman Borlaug given at Tuskegee University -- April, 2001.
Patrick Moore
Click here to hear our radio ad featuring Dr. Patrick Moore.
Dr Truth (Interview)New Scientist interviews the co-founder of Greenpeace who supports logging and condemns the protests against genetically modified foods.
Save the Forests, Not Each TreePolitically correct activists want every tree spared, but our society needs both wilderness and wood.
Green Bans won't Save the ForestsThe environmental movements opposition to forestry is squarely based on their contentions that it is the main cause of forest loss (deforestation) and of biodiversity loss (species extinction). They are wrong on the facts on both these charges.
Eugene Lapointe
Respect for Traditional KnowledgeAmong the world's challenges today and into the new millenium is how to integrate global trade among developing and developed nations with the moral, ethical, and scientific imperative to protect nature's precious resources. The two are compatible.
Animals Help Make The Outdoors GreatI and others in my organization promote the conservation of habitat and wildlife resources. We advocate the use of science-based wildlife management techniques. And we wish to see the humane, ethical and fair treatment of all people whose customs and traditions involve the sustainable use of wildlife resources.
The Plus of Conservation: When Hunger RulesFinding new sources of food is an absolute necessity and everyone's responsibility. Depriving starved human beings of an abundant source of food is a crime against humanity.
Dennis Avery
Do We Want Food, Forests or Wildlife?We often ask the question, "How will the world feed nine or ten billion people?" The real question is, "How will we save the wildlife when nine or ten billion people are feeding themselves?"
Would Organic Farming Unleash a Billion Cattle on US Wildlands?Without chemical nitrogen, our crops would need the manure from another 7-8 billion cattle. (The world now has about 1.3 billion cattle.) That means at least another two billion acres of U.S. land for forage crops -- an area qual to all the land in America except Alaska.
Why Greens Should Love PesticidesHigher crop yields have saved more than 15 million square miles of wildlife habitat from being plowed for low-yield traditional farming. That's equal to the total land area of the U.S., Europe and South America. We got those higher yields with hybrid seeds, irrigation, chemical fertilizer -- and pesticides.
Scarcity or Abundance: It's Our Choice"High-yield agriculture has saved a billion people from starvation and as much as 20 million square miles of wildlands from low-yield farming."
Saving People and Wild Lands with Global Modern AgricultureWhat if a far-sighted UN Environmental Commission in 1947 had asked a panel of world farming experts to develop a model world agriculture designed to enhance consumer safety and environmental sustainability rather than profits? The answer: the best possible agriculture would look amazingly like modern, high-yield, technologically-supported farming - only more so.
Looks pretty good to me!
Yes, and???
ReplyDeleteThe hardest part of this equation is to leave a little profit margin for the farmer growing the food. The system seems to be geared to keep us at the bare minimun, (and some years not even that).
ReplyDeleteI guess we will always be here to accept that little profit Ralph.