I woke up at five with Mr. Moon hitting me in the eyes from the southern skies. I must have dreamed about school because I woke up thinking about what became of my classmates? I know one is a lawyer and one is a retired school superintendent and a few still farm but that's about it.
The class of 68 at Sardinia was a great one. The competition for grades, sports and music was fierce. When they mixed us up with Fincastle, Russellville and Decatur it got worse and not for the right reasons. School consolidation has been a failure in my experience.
Grades and music came easy for me, sports I liked, basketball in the winter and baseball in the summer. Wasn't great at either one but I could always outrun everyone.
I didn't take grades seriously enough to make the top ten. I learned what I wanted to know, emphasis on me. The poor old algebra teacher in ninth grade ruined me, that was it. I didn't care, I would rather help dad farm than write formulas and wasn't taught the difference.
Actually I think I liked lunch time best. Those old farm wives cooked pretty well, nothing like a cafeteria today. I hated the bus ride the most, too much on a bus and I had short route compared to some. Wasted time when the old school was in walking distance.
I wondered what happend to crazy Charlie Swagger, the band director? He was nuts but he made us play our hearts out. I remember the concert we put on in my ninth and tenth grade the most, I must say it was good for farm kids.
In the 11th grade I busted my lip in half in an accident and that was the end of my trumpet days, it never healed right until I graduated and boy did it hurt. Still music got me through Ohio State as well as biology.
Mr. Sam was a great biology teacher. He was also raised poor and got us prepared for college classes whether we made it there or not. I got A's in biology, it came so easy to me. Chemistry was only challenging because of the darned formulas.
Thankfully my English teachers taught me enough to express my thoughts and here I am using them today. Hello, am I getting through?
I write about things that will help you and no comments. I copy and paste a list of things your mother said and you comment. People are funny. I guess you few readers want to be entertained!
Actually I probably have a lot of readers like NewAgTalk. That is where I picked up many of you with the link to my blog on every post I make and boy do I like to post! Like my response to the question on high yield beans:
planting date notill balanced fertility inoculant weed control!-----http://hymark.blogspot.com/
AgTalk has become a pretty classy place to as long as the natives keep it civil. My friend Dutch in Texas made the millionth post around Christmas and there are over 15,000 registered farmers now. I wonder how many more just hang around but don't register?
I am glad my class had some class. Little Eastern Brown in little Brown County Ohio. I will always consider the Sardinia school a better school.
I don't have a picture so I will share one of the old Martinsville School.
Ed Winkle
I've always been a bit of a conspiracy theorist, so my thoughts are that consolidation had less to do with efficiency than propaganda. Keeping the schools in the communities made it too difficult to teach against God and the Costitution - too much oversight by the parents. Removing the kids from their natural surroundings made it easier to indoctrinate the kids with the liberal mindset. Many of the teachers weren't for it, either, but the push came from the feds, through the states and on down to the counties.
ReplyDeleteNow I never thought about that, you would have thought I would have...