Monday, January 13, 2014


A farmer on Crop Talk asked today about the new ABM soybean inoculant called Marauder.

Grow More
Marauder™ Soybean Inoculant System is an all liquid bundle containing a high concentrate of America’s Best Inoculant® and liquid extender/polymer plus an additional liquid live biological performance enhancer. It drastically reduces seed bridging and sticking, especially when applied with seed fungicides or insecticides.


Marauder™ Soybean Inoculant System contains the same triple stack Rhizobia strain package found in America’s Best Inoculant®, for top yield responses. This strain package was developed by the best minds in Rhizobium genetics and is backed by research and scientifically proven test plot results.

Low Application Rate

Marauder™ for Soybeans has one of the lowest application rates available to keep treated soybean seed flowing. Only 0.725 fl. oz per 140k unit of soybean seed.

That is from the ABM website.  It's similar to Excalibre inoculant but is more farmer user friendly.  It has a growth promotant that Excalibre doesn't have.  Excalibre is the the one I've had my seed supplier apply to my soybean seed in the past.

Will farmers not inoculate this year to cut cost?  I don't think so.  Those few dollars invested have proved to have one of the best returns on investments of anything a farmer adds to his soybean crop.  A gallon of foliar fertilizer costs twice as much and has half the impact on yield.  That's my observation after working with both the past 30 years.

I am imagine I will get a lot of questions on this inoculant this week.  My email and phone is open. 

Ed Winkle

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