96 million acres is a lot of corn! Everyone has been waiting for the March 30 USDA Report to come out and it is here. The stocks are bullish though, so a good yield is needed to make that number have impact. I am not sure it will, guess we will all know in a year from now!
I see farmers and others are asking if there is enough quality seed to go around. Probably not, there is plenty of seed, but I am not sure what the quality is of that seed or the hybrid it is supposed to produce.
I wonder how much is in the ground already? I have a gut feeling it is at least one million acres already and could be closer to three. It really doesn't matter, one bad weather snap and that production could be damaged and planting halted. Things won't get roaring across the midwest until this coming week and next. Many farmers wait until Easter Sunday to plant corn.
Hearty congraulations to our son-in-law Kevin Abt. I opened the electronic edition of the Wilmington News Journal last night and there he was in a picture of educators from Clinton County. They were reconized at the regional meeting for educators recently. We have two fine educators in the family, Kevin and our oldest boy Matt. Keep up the good work, guys!
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