It finally got cold enough to hold these heavy combines out of the mud so many farmers ran all night last night. They are trying to get the last bushels in but I still see a lot of crop left out there, just not as much as there was.
The market took a dive Friday after the USDA raised the carryout and reported less export demand. I figured most of that negative news was already factored in but the market still reacted negatively.
The big news is major trade people don't believe USDA's numbers. They think the carry out and trade news is too bearish. Time will tell.
We are burning wood pellets pretty heavily now and it keeps the back half of the house warmer than the front which is unusual for us. LuAnn bought a ton of Hardwood Heat pellets last week so I looked up reviews on them. Everyone says they make a lot of heat but produce a lot of ash.
I know they put out more heat than the last ton we bought in an orange bag, can't think of the name of them. One of the new bags were damaged and got moisture in the bag so the pellets were mush. I traded it in a for a new bag this morning and they gave me a bag of Lignetics out of West Virginia. They get good reviews from pellet burning people.
Yesterday I picked up some ground pork shoulder LuAnn had ordered at Sam's Meats and she baked a New York meat pie and a cherry pie. We could have eaten both of them I think. She seasoned the meat pie just right and with her famous homemade flaky, sweet pastry dough I can make your mouth water just talking about it. They pour A1 Steak Sauce or Woo Sauce(Worchestershire.) It's not southern Ohio but it is good.
Mom made mince meat pies with raisins in it and it is nothing like this meat pie. The meat pie is more like the famous Maid Rite meat from Greenville, Ohio but made with pork instead of beef. I don't remember what meat mom used to make mince meat pie.
Cherry is still my favorite and I could eat the rest today. The little girls stayed last night while Kevin supervised a basketball game and Shannon tried to finish her shopping with a friend.
Next weekend we hope to see the Peters grandchildren and go to the Transiberian Orchestra.
Busy, busy, busy!
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