Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. Do you use that old rhyme? I still do and realized tomorrow is the first of October, not Sunday like I had been thinking all week! In 30 days, I hope we are well into harvest but the crop is still green. It's showing the fall browns but the fields by the house are still pretty green as one is double crop soybeans.
A lady LuAnn met yesterday has a novel idea for service. She said our election system has become such a farce, we should have elections like the jury system.
When your name comes up for a jury trial, you serve with a group of strangers that determines the fate of a trial that usually determines the fate of the people involved. If people can be found to be competent enough for such a big decision, why couldn't they serve for a public office?
It makes good sense from county commissioner to congressman. You serve the four years or whatever term is appropriate and go back to your old job with no punishment or gain except for the service to your country.
I know it will never happen but it sounds like a novel idea for today. I was so interested in the idea I proposed it on NewAgTalk's Boiler room where farmers tear ideas down to their core. It has gained a lot of readership in a few short hours.
I for one would be willing to serve my country this way. It would take away all the monotonous campaigns and all the fraud and lies that go with them.
I guess it just makes too much sense, aye?
Ed Winkle