We are back to home sweet home. We have worked very hard to make this place our home and it just stood out like a jewel when you turn that curve on 28.
The airflight was so much better on the way home. The main leg was a Qantus 747 again but this one had less seats and more room. If you get the old one with red seats, run! If you get the newer one with blue seats, you will be OK. The Lycoming we flew to Paris was more comfortable though.
You meet the neatest people travelling. The flight to Chicago found us sitting with a sweet young gal who is a neo natal nurse and working with UCLA on a revolutionary new program for her training. She is about the age of our youngest two and would fit right in our family.
Jet lag can really throw a person off but this time we both seem to be handling it pretty well so far because we talked about it and planned for it. 21 hours in the air over two days that is one calendar date is something the body isn't trained for. 10 flights in 21 days isn't either but we did it to get my job done.
We both fell asleep and woke up just in time for the Bonanza party at church. Remeber Bonanza? Hoss and Little Joe? Cabin fever was running high and the church was packed. I have never seen so many people in that church hall in my 40 years experience with it.
Everyone had a good time. This morning I could really feel how important a good church and its people is to ones well being. It brings people together for the right reason. The church is the physical rock we need to keep our spiritual rock in place. I have seen rocks washed away and I don't want any part of that.
It's Monday in New Zealand but Sunday in Ohio. It feels like Sunday so I guess we are getting used to home and everyday life again.
The picture of the painting of our farm was done by neighbor Donna, I love it.
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