Wow, my feet hurt! So does the feet of many thousand other farmers and friends. LuAnn and I walked the National Farm Machinery Show today and my friend Allen Dean and I walked it yesterday.
We saw so much it is difficult to pick out any one thing. The big wind storm last night never dampened our spirits, especially watching the Super Stock Diesel, 7200 Mod's and Pro Stocks last night. The track really came into its own in the modified class with many full pulls. That fellow from Oklahome even moved the concrete barrier when he tore into the sand pile with his pull.
The exhibitors were very busy both days so far and will be tomorrow and Saturday. They will go home "plumb tuckered out" almost like us visitors. They were taking orders and describing their products. Few exhibitors weren't busy and you had to wait in line to talk to many of them.
It was good to see the Martin's, Marion Calmer, AGCO, CNH, Deere, Caterpillar and most every company very busy. It was great to see all the friends from all over too! It was nice to put a face with a name like Reid Hamre, Brand Manager for AGCO who put up the new Long Live the Family Farm website. I had to buy the T shirt!
I looked at planters, drills, combines and sprayers mostly. I found a real simple liquid seed treater from Clarks Ag Supply from Clarks, Nebraska. That should be an easy way to put on the new soybean inoculants and other products as farmers deliver seed to their planters and drills.
Even our bed and breakfast host Nancy wrote about it on her blog from the Aleksander House on 1st Street in Old Louisville just minutes from the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center. This week is always busy for her.
We really enjoyed the show so far and the time away from home. That makes Home Sweet Home even nicer when you get there.
It will be interesting to see what everyone else learned after they get home and share their experience on NewAgTalk. Every year I meet more and more followers of the best ag page on the Internet.
If you ever get a chance, stop and visit the show. Wednesday is usually the quietest day there but was very busy yesterday but not overly crowded. I think the parking lot was full by 10 AM this morning and the show opened at nine.
Hope you didn't get too much wind from this storm, lots of people were hurt again by this storm.
Ed Winkle
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