I am typing this with still englarged pupils as I like for him to see my retinas. Like most people I do not like dilation of my pupils but know it is important for him to see inside my eyes. My retinas have maintained and even slightly improved over the past few years. I credit that to the handling of stress and watching my diet more closely.
We both got the best compliment since the last annual visit. He could not believe how much healthier and younger we both look. That is quite a compliment after a devoted year of effort on our part to improve our spiritual and physical nature. The mental improvement is anecdotal at best but everyone says we are doing well.
We take our vision for granted. For many of you, your vision is your strongest sense. You are blessed! For me, my hearing is my strongest sense and I turn of the radio and roll down the windows when making a left turn because my hearing can pick up speed and velocity and direction of a vehicle as well as my eyes can, especially in a "blind spot."
Today I urge you to make those appointments and get your annual physical, dental and eye examinations made. Mine has increased my health by knowledge of what I need to do to maintain my health and even improve it in some cases. Don't take your health for granted! It's so easy to do in this face paced busy life we live. We are lucky to have it and don't want a necessary major change from a "wake up call." Baby steps are a lot easier than major changes than seem impossible and often are.
One 90 year old woman recently turned in front of a motorcycle and changed their lives forever. The two motorcyclists were killed, leaving the family in a mess. Another 90 year old woman caused an accident that killed two professional truck drivers. All of their lives are changed forever, permanently and you can't go back and change it to what it was.
I have a "good report" for today and hope you get them, too. Be careful out there and take your life a little more seriously because it changes all too quickly when something big crops up.
Speaking of crops, they are really growing in southwest Ohio but like most farmers I have heard from, they sure could use a rain.
Have a great weekend,
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