If it weren't for government checks, many of my neighbors would have nothing. Unemployment has been extended past 99 months and is near 20% here and underemployment about the same. So half the people don't have a job. How long can we continue?
You could tell when you are near farmers, all they are talking about is getting the combine ready, what is your moisture content, and those types of comments. Harvest is upon us and agriculture is one of the few profitable enterprises out there though I think we took more lumps with the weather this last month than many realize. Fertilizer for next year is already higher than this year.
The Tea Party was the busiest booth at the fair. LuAnn said she felt sorry for the lady in the Democratic Party booth. People were walking in an arc pattern around and away from that booth. The Republicans were quite busy but the Tea Party was busier.
I gave permission for a four by eight sign on our farm for a fellow running for the Ohio House. He is running for the seat for the guy who left his stupid signs on our farm. His name is Cliff Rosenberger. Click on his name and see what you think of him. Do you see any reason you wouldn't vote for him? I never heard of him but a lot of my friends recommend him.
We need jobs, people. You have to employ your people first and having a career that you enjoy is one of the two keys to life. The other is having the right spouse.
This country has done a poor job helping children accomplish either one.
Have a great Laborless Day.
Ed, its a non-labour day here in Sask. Not that we don't have plenty to do but as usual its raining again. Good crops soaking in the field and losing quality every day. The harvest window narrows each passing day as does our hope of harvesting. Still better than being unemployed I think. I'll stop complaining now.
ReplyDeleteRalph I wouldn't trade you for the world. I read about South Dakota and Saskatchewan and pray for you guys. So many must be hurting. It was a happy day with a somber undertone when you think about reality.