Thursday, July 11, 2013
Flattened Corn
We normally don't get flat corn in Ohio, maybe once in awhile. I bet there are a lot of damaged acres this morning after yesterdays storms. We got 1.5 inches Tuesday then heavy storms came through yesterday with winds up 60 MPH, more like what they experience more often to the states to the west of us. It flattened our beautiful garden and really tore it up. It even pulled peas and beans out of the ground.
Nothing is rooted properly around here because of the weather extremes before and after planting. We should not complain because parts of Ohio like Bucyrus is worse off than we are. Northwest Ohio has had some pretty hard weather, too.
This morning it is very foggy from all the rain we've received the last 2 days and the cool temperatures that are here now. The temperature has dropped 20 degrees overnight from the high humidity and 75 degrees dewpoint we had before it. We went from tropical conditions to more normal conditions in one big storm.
I haven't been to the new farm to see if the bottom flooded. It hadn't yet when Sable and I checked yesterday afternoon just before the big one hit. We had to avoid tree limbs on the road just to get home 2 miles and I have more Pecan tree limbs to pick up before we can mow, whenever that happens. The yard needed mowed before this and now it's really wet. It's going to be hard to get back to normal after these storms.
I am most concerned about the soybeans. Spray schedules are way off and weeds are everywhere. We never got the critical burndown herbicide on our best 50 acres of double crop beans that are up in that wheat you can barely see in the background of the picture. I am sorry the picture is so dark but LuAnn took them right after the storm let up and posted them on her Facebook.
I've got tons of fields to scout in the next month and they are all in bloom and ready to scout right now. I will need waders to get started.
Things could be worse, much worse.
Ed Winkle
Send some of that rain our way....we haven't got any for 2.5 weeks and forecast doesn't look promising...