I need to lighten up today. Eric always kids me about taking my tractor skills to lawn mower racing. He calls it Mow Winkle Racing. Do you think this would be competitive?
With the weather and farming and scouting, I haven't even seen a good tractor pull this summer. Uusually I have by now. Our county fair and the Georgetown NTPA pulls got rained out and I've been busy for the others.
Today I did my annual crop judging at the Clark County Fair near Springfield, Ohio. I saw some of the best corn you ever saw near Danny Dean's Farm on Dolly Varden Road near South Charleston. It was thick with two big ears on it. The crops on the OSU Experimental Farm looked very good. I would have liked to have seen Dr. Mark Loux's weed control plots. I've learned a lot there over the years. Mark is my go to guy for tough weed control answers.
I've told several farmers this week to read his recommendations for Marestail and Giant Ragweed control. Both weeds are out of control on many farms this year. Glyphosate and First Rate does not work on these weeds in many parts of Ohio and the US.
It was good to see my Extension friend clientele at the funeral visitation last night. It was a sobering reason for doing it but there was a huge crowd. We talked about crops and family and life and death. We pray for the two remaining brothers because they both looked very concerned about their farm business. They both said their brother was the visionary of the farm.
All in all it was a good day after a tremendously hot and stressful week. I hope you all got as much done as I did and next week will be a brand new week.
Take care now,
Ed Winkle
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