LuAnn and I were strongly reminded what our greateste gift is. It's family! In this day and age it is hard to find but here we are blessed with it after a lifetime of struggles and trying to do the next best thing.
We had our Winkle family Christmas yesterday and it was more than wonderful, it was one that tugged at our heartstrings. Each child is so well behaved LuAnn kept saying can you believe we have a housefull of grandkids? It was so quiet sometimes you wondered what they all were doing and when you looked you found them interacting and just having a great time together.
The reading of the birth of Christ in the Bible was most special and quiet as Erik read the infancy narrative from Luke. Every knee bowed and tongue confessed and it was humbling yet joyous. My heart about burst from pride watching my family as we shared the scripture.
At the end of the day LuAnn didn't want it to end and I know why. It was just too rewarding to let go of.
Each child and adult received a special gift from us that LuAnn had carefully chosen. On many of those gifts we talked about the best idea and the best place to buy it and she did it all and cooked a great meal on top of it! Even the kids were appreciative and asked if it was too much for her as they could see all that she had done. You have to really care and know and work hard to make that kind of thing happen!
So this morning I type with thanks to LuAnn and all that made December 26 such a special day, one we will never forget.
I hope you found that, too.
You are most welcome, my dear husband. It is my pleasure but I could not do it without your love and support. We are truly blessed, aren't we?
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