After a grueling week of work, the farmer went to town last night. LuAnn had bought us tickets for the Blue Collar Comedy Tour at the Northern Kentucky University Center in Highland Heights, Kentucky or Wilder, Kentucky only an hour away from us.
We had restaurant coupons left over from last Christmas's gifts so we thought we would go out for dinner at the Olive Garden on Ohio Pike or SR 125 or Beechmont Avenue. Before we got to the exit we saw the line was 2 miles long to get off Interstate I-275! So we went to plan B, checked in our hotel and went to Longhorn Steak House in Wilder, Kentucky.
I had seen those TV ads for lobster stuffed filets so I ordered one. I was not disappointed! The steak, potato, fresh baked bread and salad was excellent, topped off with iced tea I took out with us. LuAnn had the grilled salmon and we were both very happy with our meal.
We got to the Center right at the 8 o'clock starting time and out came the host, a redneck himself and he introduced Bill Engvall. Bill soon had the crowd in stiches talking about turning 50 and keeping our male sexuality. Can you imagine being stuck in a closet for an hour with a red ribbon around your neck in your birthday suit when your wife came home with friends who wanted to take you out for beer and a steack instead of the romantic interlude you had planned?
Jeff Foxworthy was the hit of the evening with his continuation of the 50's empty nest syndrome and medical tests you have never had before, like your first colonoscopy. You aren't supposed to drink all of that stuff in 8 minutes, it is supposed to take 4 hours!
Larry the Cable Guy was last with his Florida, Nebraska and family redneck stories like Jeff's. After two hours of solid laughter they all came out and sat on the wooden stools to top each other. The I believe segment gets really almost out of hand as people stumble to the exits in laughter and tears. I still have a light happy headache from laughing so much.
It's nice to go to the city to see how they live once in awhile but they were all like me! Stressed out from a week of work or study, everyone just wanted to get out and enjoy the beautiful southern Ohio evening and the roads and restaurants were packed!
We are glad to be back home to get ready for the Christmas parade in Lebanon and the youngest grandchild's baptism tomorrow in Grove City.
And to think I was first married 40 years ago today at age 21 makes me want to go to Springfield tonight to hear Baxter Black instead of this other important, family stuff.
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