Saturday we are going to listen to The Truth. The Truth will truly set you free.
A few years ago I started listening to Father John Corapi on www.sacredheartradio. I had sat through so many Catholic Masses I wanted to find out what they were all about.
Every morning at 10 AM I would tune in 740 AM driving my pickup truck around while doing my various errands and chores. The more I listened the more I wanted to hear.
I would even plan stops so I could listen the whole hour. Now I have listened so long I remember the recording as soon as he starts talking. Once in awhile they will throw in one I haven’t heard but not many.
LuAnn got me tickets to listen to him two years ago and we saw him talk, teach and preach all day in Buffalo ending with Mass with over 10,000 people. You could have heard a pin drop.
That is the way it is when Father John speaks until he gets this grin on his face and shares one of his funny stories. I saw a commercial on his visit to Xavier’s Cintas Center this Saturday on TV and there it showed, Drug Addict Turned Priest. It was kind of shocking but it was true.
He made millions in real estate in California and lost it all, hit the bottom of the gutter and crawled out only due to the Grace of God. His Catholic upbringing from his parents to his grandparents saved him when he asked Mother Mary to intercede for him.
He has saved thousands now himself with God’s Help. He has every degree known in the church and knows Doctrine inside out. His greatest gift is he can put it in layman’s terms so you and I can understand and share it with others.
Like he says, it isn’t Rocket Science, it is truth right there in front of us. We can listen to truth or the father of lies too many people listen to. I know of that catbird the devil, he can lure you right in and make you think it’s right.
You ought to listen and see if you hear the truth I hear. I would be interested in your reaction. Give it some time, there is a lot to learn. Many of us who know God only now the Holy Bible, we don’t know Sacred Tradition. They both make the truth easier to understand.
You can listen online or on CD, DVD, EWTN TV or book or audio tape. I sound like one of the commercials.
In these times that bind, the truth could set you free.
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