At least the corn market has a little hope now as it and wheat traded heavily yesterday but beans were flat as we planted more acres and the South American crop is slowly coming to the market.
I didn't have enough corn sold early so this does give me a little hope. I have my target bids in place so I will be OK if get to them. At least I think we will get close but economies are so poor now it is really hard to judge what anything will do.
All I have to do now is control the weeds in the little beans and hope for the best in weather and markets. I did all I could do. I did pretty well but always strive for better.
I just got my Silverado back from my mechanic and the brakes took a bigger bite out of my checkbook than I expected but it is 8 years old now and only used to haul loads or as a spare vehicle. The caliper was cracked, bad from the factory I am sure but I got 8 years and 70,000 miles out of it.
The pads were still thick but were cracked so I replaced them too. I wish it was a flex fuel truck but I can run 30% E-85 in it with no problems and the mileage doesn't go down and the HP improves. I blend a little E-85 in everything. There is no excuse why every gas engine is not flex fueled in this country. We can grow the corn and improve jobs and economy until the market decides what fuel is best. Ethanol is right here and right now so I use it.
I can't believe the amount of farmers who don't do this or use biodiesel in their tractors. There is another good fuel right here right now. We have no excuse to complain about market prices, we can keep demand high.
It's a beautiful, picture perfect day in southwest Ohio and everyone is enjoying the weather before the fourth. Hamburgers, hot dogs, steak and sweet corn is on the menu.
Stop by and enjoy some.
One farmer wanted to know where the grain bing was sitting. It's on Larrick Road south of Lee's Creek, Ohio, just west of SR 72.