I guess I see why retailers do it. A reported 20% of their Holiday sales are tranasacted in the wee hours!
For LuAnn, its mainly social, the thrill of hunting down bargains while kidding around with the kids.
Me, I don't function well at 3 AM. What I want to buyI hope to get tomorrow on Cyper Monday and let THEM bring it to me. Do you realize how important cyber sales are?
Cyber sales, or sales of merchandise continues to grow each year. It will be interesting to see what the totals are this year. I think they approach store sales very soon.
I thought deer hunting was the big thing here on the first Monday after Thanksgiving as gun season opens. Schools and churches are closed this week for hunting!
"Worker productivity could take a dip tomorrow in the Northeast.
Tomorrow is Cyber Monday - a phrase coined by the retail industry in 2005 for what’s hyped as Black Friday’s online equivalent - and the region is tops in the United States when it comes to those planning to use their work computers for holiday shopping.
More than 56 percent of Northeast workers with on-the-job Internet access plan to shop online for gifts this year, according to a National Retail Federation survey."
Have to do some shopping, I see some sales are already in effect!
Ed Winkle
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