I had to attend one of those many meetings last night for LuAnn that neither one of us enjoys as much as sitting on the patio of our farm. She says that is payback for the many farm meetings "I drag her to."
The event was the Highland County Chamber of Commerce annual meeting in Hillsboro. Her friend Katie is in charge of the event and those two and Julie attend a lot of meetings for work so it was a must attend event for us.
Her dinner idea was quite unusual. She made it a "taste of Highland County" and had all eight caterers in the county prepare the food so you just sampled what you like." She hit the prime rib line and I chose the pulled pork line because they also had green beans, my favorite food fixed the old fashioned way. No one went hungry as it was topped off with a coffee's line and a dessert line.
It was good to eat dinner with her board and friends, it was just such a beautiful day, one of those you hate to leave the farm. Her one new board memmer and I just kept looking at each other because we knew each other from way back. We quizzed each other the whole evening but couldn't figure out the connection. Ever have one of those? Signs were are both getting old.
The speaker for the night was Drew Hastings from the Bob and Tom Show and other comedic venues. He bought 50 acres near New Market, just south of Hillsboro and calls himself a city boy farmer. He said he got burned on his first deal in the county, he bought some black Angus county but noticed they were awfully small when they got off the trailer. They were pigs!
He said he quickly realized he needed training so he tried to join the FFA but didn't know it was for 15 year olds. He said he is now a pedafile and still has the electronic tracking device on his ankle. Drew is the tallest guy in the audience and said he just had his 50th birthday, lots of jokes about that, too.
If you get the chance to hear him, go do it. Everyone had a good laugh at a time when we all need it. He does a lot of public service work and bought the old movie theatre in town and is trying to revitalize it.
After treating soybean seed and another 100 mile day running errands, it was a pretty good end to a pretty good day.
Ed Winkle
Always one of my favorite shows when Drew is on Bob and Tom. Did you get the story about when he went to pick up feed in the Jaguar? That one cracks me up every time.