Gatlinburg, Tennessee is a favorite place to visit for a quick jaunt for locals who want to get away. 350 miles south of here, LuAnn and I always thought it was a tourist trap.
For some reason we gave it a try two years ago and went back last year. The first year we rented a "cabin" that was better than home. Hot tub, pool table, king bed, beautifully layed out and decorated.
Last year we just got the less expensive Hampton downtown. That was almost as good for less than half the price. You are right there on the main street for walking the shops and restaurants without driving and parking.
So why Gatlinburg? It is built at the north end of the Great Smokey Mountains, always beautiful, even in the rain or little bit of snow they get.
For me there is not much farming related activity so LuAnn loves that. Farming is all I talk about or do 99% of the time. For her there is the Christmas Store, antique and other shops, the Old Mill and the Best Little Italian Restaurant in Tennessee. Sounds ironic, doesn't it?
Such a different world it is just 6 hours away. Now we know why some of our friends make regular visits there. This time of year the weather isn't much different than here but it IS farther south.
Everyone is excited about the 75 degrees predicted here tomorrow. Everyone is sick of cold weather and anxious for spring. I couldn't agree more.
Amazing what a couple of days away will do for you. She is long overdue as the winter hung on while work kept demanding every ounce of her attention.
We usually get away in the winter but not this year, too much going on. I recently booked Cruising the Markets with John Roach and crew so I know we will have at least one week away next year.
FBPA stood for Farm Business Planning and Analysis but not it means Farmers Better Plan Ahead!
Ed Winkle
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