Sunday, November 4, 2012


Today I share my vision of my last corn rows this year through the combine windshield and my visions last night.  As a child I had a lot of visions as I slept.  I got so good at seeing the future that it became scary and I pretty much shut them off.  After I wrote a paper on telepathy or parapsychology in high school it got out of control.  I saw my dad get his hand caught in the corn elevator a few months before it happened and it was enough to scare me to quit trying to look into the future.

I have a good report after last night.  Everything is going to be alright!  Everything I worried about is going to turn out fine.  I don't worry much anymore and when I did it was pretty useless.  It was more harmful than helpful.

I saw LuAnn's license plate SOILH2O then had a good laugh about that.  I saw DRSOIL and had a good discussion on thatl  There aren't many DRSOIL's in this world.  I saw DR HUBER on one plate and got some confirmation on what I have read about his work.

There is good and evil in this world and you have to pick sides.  You can't be in the middle, you are going to have to choose one.  It is quite easy for me to pick one side, but doing it, that's a whole different battle!

There are rules for both sides though and the good side isn't all that hard to follow.  The other side seems to be chaos to me so I get real confused on that side.

We heard the two main rules we learned at church again last night.  There is one God, one Creator, and love Him with all your heart, soul and strength.  I find that easier and easier after I quit struggling to do it or not do it.

The other rule is love thy neighbor as thyself.  I must admit that was quite a challenge at Rhude Road but here on Martinsville Road, it is much easier!  I have the best neighbors in the whole wide world!  It's easier to love them than some of the stupid things I do, I tell you.

This time change throws me for a loop.  I need discipline and I need a regular schedule.  Get up with the sun, eat a little, eat more at noon and watch what I eat at 5 or so.  Go to bed when I am ready to sleep after dark and if I had a good and busy day, that isn't hard to do.

If you have any resentments eating at you or what to do about this or that, write it down.  This is why this blog is so therapeutic for me.  My resentments usually stem from fear, result in anger if they languish and do more harm than goo.

So there is my report!  I hope you like it because it really is good news after months of debating about life and our future, here and with my family and friends.

Have a great Sabbath, it is a beautiful sunny day in southwest Ohio!


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